Thursday, October 2, 2008

And here we go....

Here we go. Tonight, CNN ,the vice presidential debate between Senator Joe Biden and Governor Sarah Palin. (Got to be careful to call her by her full name and title...otherwise, I could be labeled as "sexist" or not being fair!)
I truly believe the debate should be canceled. I mean, aren't there more important things to be done? Shouldn't the candidates suspend their campaigns in the interest of the nation's financial crisis? Shouldn't they both go to D.C. and put the "people" ahead of their own political interests? Wouldn't we all be better served if this debate just didn't happen? I mean, in spite of the media making this out to be "Must See T.V!"...what exactly should we be looking forward to? This debate should be canceled because Sarah Palin should be canceled! It's an outrage at this point! A disgrace to the American people and the entire democratic process! It just continues to get worse and worse! Let McCain have a "do-over!" I don't mind. No biggie! Just send this air brain Alaskan home. She's an insult to the political process. She's an insult to women. She's an insult to men. She's just........AN INSULT in every way! I can't possibly take her serious as a vice-presidential candidate. we go....I'm going to watch this...

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